Download the SKUSavvy App

Get SKUSavvy pinned on your phone's home screen and run it like you would a normal app.

Download the App

You can access SKUSavvy on any web browser such as Chrome, Safari, or Internet Explorer across any iOS, Android, or other device. To access, simply navigate to and log in to your account. But, there are hidden benefits to saving the SKUSavvy app to your home screen as a 'native app' such as fullscreen mode, offline accessibility, performance upgrades, and one-click access instead of opening a web browser. Long story short, if you are using SKUSavvy daily, it's best to download and save the app to your home screen.

iOS Download

  1. Open Safari web browser, open, and login

  2. Tap the 'Share' button

  3. Click 'Add to Home Screen'

Here's a video tutorial
add SKUSavvy to home page

Android Download

  1. Open the Chrome browser, open, and login

  2. Open the menu

  3. Click 'Add to Home Screen'

android add skusavvy native app