Interface Controls | SKUSavvy

Quick start guide to understanding the SKUSavvy interface controls and unique features of the app.



Within the SKUSavvy platform, you'll notice the left side menu (on wider screens), and the bottom right hamburger menu (on mobile). When you select one of these items in the menu, the platform will navigate to the sub-menu of the selected element. Once viewing the information of this element, such as Products --> Selected Product --> Variants you'll notice that the menu on the side changes to offer new relevant options for that type of data.

Main Menu

main menu navigation skusavvy

Secondary Menu

secondary menu

Mobile Menu

mobile menu


Click on any element along the breadcrumb bar to get back to that section

Barcode Scanning

SKUSavvy uses barcodes to help identity products, bins, labels, and more. To identify whether or not a barcode is correct, simply press the scan button (large screens), or the scan icon in the bottom right corner on smaller screens.

Large Screen Barcode Scan

scan button bottom left on large screens

Mobile Barcode Scan

mobile barcode scan

Barcode Scan Results

When you scan a barcode you will get a few different results depending on what data is attached to the barcode and recognized in the system. The three types of data you can get are unrecognized, product data, bin data. If you scan a barcode but you are NOT within a warehouse, the product will still be recognized, but you will not be able to check quantity in or adjust inventory quantity.

scanned unknown thing

Product Recognized

From here you can view the product variant information, view the product, view the available inventory for the warehouse you are currently within, or make an inventory adjustment.

Bin Recognized

From here you can view the bin information such as products contained and the quantities available, as well as position of the bin within the warehouse system. You can also view the shelf which will show the location within the warehouse and the bins contained on the shelf.

Barcode unrecognized

When a barcode is not recognized, you can easily attach it to a product, variant, or a bin.

Search and Filter

Filter Bar

skusavvy search and filter

Within every primary set of data - products, customers, orders, bins etc. you will find a search bar at the top. This filter uses an intelligent search that will surface all relevant results related to your query. It is case insensitive.