A purchase order approval workflow that enables your vendors to confirm, edit, or cancel purchases and keep your information accurate.
With every SKUSavvy account, you have the ability to send off a copy of a purchase order to your vendor who can then view, edit, and cancel the PO. In this guide, we'll go through the steps to enable this, and what it looks like from the vendor's point of view.
To start sending POs to vendors, confirm that the vendor has the necessary permission turned on by going into the vendor details and selecting the communication preference.
Go to VendorsPlace a purchase with the vendor using one of two ways:
Vendors > select vendor > orders
Select a warehouse > orders > inbound
With email communication preferences turned on for the vendor SKUSavvy will now automatically form and send an email for any PO placed with this vendor. The email will show the vendor the PO#, quantities, and items contained in the order as well as an invoice for their records that can be saved/printed.
From within the vendor portal adjustments can be made to quantity and cost