At the core of any warehouse are the products and inventory. Learn how SKUSavvy handles products and variants, units of measurement, kitting, and dimensions.
Within your SKUSavvy account, all product information is held centrally and can be equipped across different warehouses. Every product can have multiple variants, units of measurement, or kits associated with it. You can also hold barcodes and dimensional information across your variants.
Products imported from a Shopify or other eCommerce storefront will come over with their variants attached.
Digital / Physical Item
Variant option names e.g. Size, Color, Flavor, etc.
Status (Active, Draft, Archived)
dimensions (IN, FT, MM, CM, M)
weight (LB, OZ, KG, G)
Is backordered?
Option value e.g. XL, Red, Apple, etc.
dimensions (IN, FT, MM, CM, M)
weight (LB, OZ, KG, G)
Is backordered?
Option value e.g. XL, Red, Apple, etc.
On the product view you can see all your products either grouped or variant by variant to see total inventory by SKU as well as see unit cost and price to sort.
Flatten any product or inventory view by selecting this icon
Using the navigation you can find your way through the product and variants, vendors, inventory, and orders.
Product Navigation
1) Product name currently being viewed
2) Properties of the product like name, tags, perishable flag, status etc.
3) Variants of the product
4) View inventory across all variants and locations for this product
5) View all vendors carrying this product
Variant Navigation
1) Click the dropdown to select another variant of the product
2) View the properties of a variant
3) View current vendors carrying the variant
4) View kits that include this variant
5) View the inventory across locations for this variant
6) View orders placed (committed stock) for this variant
When you click into a single product SKUSavvy will show you the general properties of that product including:
1) Click the Shopify product link to go directly to this product within Shopify (requires Shopify to be connected) - details edited in Shopify will show up in SKUSavvy in real-time
2) Delete the product (does not delete the product within Shopify)
3) Set a product status : active, draft, archived
4) Set a product title (this can be updated in Shopify and received in SKUSavvy)
5) Product Tags and Types: add product tags to enable sorting and pick batching by order tag. Add a product type for further filtering
6) Requires shipping and perishable items: indicate to SKUSavvy whether the item is a digital or physical product. Set the item as a perishable item which will start requiring lot & expiration dates on all variants of the product
7) Add Options and Variants: you can add options to you products such as size, color, shape etc., you can also add variants to the product. NOTE: new options and variants should be added on Shopify first and these will come over into SKUSavvy
8) Variants of the Product: view/edit the options, skus, price, dimensions and weight
9) Edit the single variant
Once the variants table you'll be able to view all variants and make bulk edits to the variants.
1) Bulk edit your product variants including price, length, width, height, weight and weight plus their units
2) Add a new variant to the product (will only show within SKUSavvy, you should add new products and variants to Shopify first if you are uploading new items)
3) Product variants table, click on one to view details of the variant
Using the inventory view enables you to see all your inventory levels across variants and the warehouse as well as bin locations
1) Select the caret icon to pull down on the variant details
2) View inventory across locations for the specific variant
3) View each bin location and warehouse, click on the record to go into the variant inventory at that location
This view will show you vendors associated with the product and the cost at which those vendors supply the product. This view shows vendors for each variant
1) View the variant
2) Edit vendors carrying this variant
3) View the vendors and the price, cost, lead time, and margin they are providing the product at
4) Start the order for a variant
Every product is made up of variants. Think of this as a parent-child relationship since variants are treated as their own within an order. Product variants can have up to three custom options configured, such as size, material, and color. Variants also hold the dimensional information, price, SKU, barcode, and weight.
For example, you can have a sweatshirt with sizes small through x-large, each of those sizes could have a color associated, such as a blue x-large sweatshirt. In each of these variants, you can hold separate inventories across your warehouses.
1) Remove option
2) Add option or add a new variant
3) Edit option names
4) Edit variant information directly in the table
5) View and edit all product variant details
Under the properties tab of a product variant, you can see options for the SKU, price, backorder, variant options, dimensions, barcodes, units of measure, and attributes
While viewing a variant select the vendors tab on the left hand menu, you can directly add and change the vendor costs or vendor SKUs of a particular variant across the vendors carrying the item.
1) Select a vendor (must already have been added to your vendors)
2) Enter a SKU specific to this vendor, separate from the variant SKU (by default the product variant is used)
3) Enter a unit cost the vendor is charging
4) View the list of vendors currently carrying this product
5) Enter a vendor SKU for the variant/vendor combination
6) Edit your unit cost for this variant according to the vendor
7) Delete a vendor carrying this variant
If you've set up products on Shopify with their variants, this information will come straight over to SKUSavvy, variants, and options intact.
Adding product variants with multiple options can be achieved by clicking into a product, and adding options. Say you have size as an option, and want to add color, you would 'Add Option' and title the option 'Color'. This now appears on all variants so it can be available as a fulfillment option. You can set this up with any type of option such as size, weight, carat, unit, etc.
Every product variant must contain a barcode for it to be acceptable as a product throughout the fulfillment process. IF YOU DON'T HAVE A BARCODE go here:
You can also assign any pre-generated barcode to the product for situations that you may have a box of 1000 widgets and want to use one barcode on the outside of the box to scan this product.
To add a barcode go into a variant of the product. Once there you will see the option to 'Enter Barcode' or 'Scan Barcode' which will enable you to enter a barcode manually or using the phone's camera to scan the barcode of a variant and attach it to the product.
Entering a manual barcode will require you to select the correct format of the barcode from a dropdown. By scanning a barcode the system will detect the barcode type and the barcode will show up on the product.
1) Enter or scan a new barcode to assign it to the product
2) Enter a name for the barcode
3) Print your barcode, or delete the barcode
4) Select a format for the barcode
5) Enter the barcode string, must match the type of format selected for the barcode
6) View/scan the barcode - this will only show if the format/data value of the barcode contain acceptable lengths and characters
Hint: QR codes are the most forgiving and will accept any data type, you can use this internally for the system for ease of use
Using the 'Scan Any Barcode' feature you can detect any related information within the system or assign a barcode to either a product variant or bin.
Visit the Interface Guide for Barcode ScanningOnce you scan a barcode that is unknown, you will see a screen where you can assign it to a product variant or bin.
Now when you select 'Attach to a Product' it will enable you to select the product, and attach the barcode. Your next scan should pull up the product information. You can assign multiple barcodes to one product.
Backordered items prevent the shipment of an item. With this engaged, any orders coming through your Shopify or other eCommerce stores will be split into two shipments. The first shipment will handle available items to fulfill. The second shipment will remain open until the product is back in stock, at which point the orders will open back up and enable the fulfillment of the item.
Back-ordered products will be fulfilled and updated in Shopify or other eCommerce systems as two shipments.
Backordered products will create two shipments within SKUSavvy so the existing orders in the system that were affected can be fulfilled once new inventory is checked in.
1) Within an order, you can view items that were not packed (in red), these are items that could have been on backorder
2) View items that were fulfilled in green
3)View the order number, and click on the shipment carrier lable to view tracking details
4) View items that were fulfilled as part of the split shipment
5) View and fulfill the secondary shipment created for when backorder inventory arrives
From the main admin once you select a product and go into a variant, that variant will have inventory levels available across all the warehouses currently holding inventory. You can view the levels, or click into an inventory level to view more specifics.
Inventory levels are associated with that variant, and within the inventory detail page you will see each warehouse location currently holding inventory for this item, as well as the bins within that warehouse holding the inventory.
1) In company value is the total units available, inclusive of committed quantity
2) Committed inventory is the number of units for this variant promised to orders
3) Click on the committed quantity to view orders for this variant
4) Expected quantity is the number of units expected from purchase orders. Click on the expected quantity to view open POs on the variant
5) Average sales per day over time
6) A chart of the total inventory level for this variant over time
7) Tap the caret icon to pull down the individual bin locations of this variant at the shown warehouse
8) View the par levels for each warehouse
9) Individual bin locations and quantity currently held of the variant
10) Click on adjust the make adjustments of this variant at the warehouse shown
Click on an inventory level for a specific warehouse location to reveal detail on the product such as total product available, in transit quantities, average sales per day, and individual location of the item in a warehouse.
By clicking into a variant you'll be able to view all orders associated with that variant. Click the menu on a variant, and select 'Orders' where a list of all past orders for this product will show up.
1) Indicating that to view this you should be within a product > variant then clicked on orders from the left hand menu
2) Filter by status of the orders
3) View the status of each order
4) View the order details including ID, customer, warehouse it was fulfilled from, and the created at date of the order
Putting several products together to form another item is called kitting. SKUSavvy enables you to kit products together so they can be picked as part of your normal fulfillment operations. Each kit is a recipe holding how many and of which products will go into creating another product.
Once you create a kit you'll enter the ingredients (Inputs) and the product to create (Outputs). Within this kit, you can have multiple quantities of one item in the recipe, for instance, three of widget A, two of widget B, and one of widget C that makes up Widget Z.
Once created, your kit will be available as a product that can be picked and assembled in any warehouse. Simply click on the 'Assemble' button and select the warehouse you want to assemble the kit in. Note that you will need to have inventory available for all the input components.
Units of measurement on products such as pallet, case, single are treated as variants. So, you can have one product with a variant 'Case' and one with a variant 'Single'. When you check this product in as a case, the product exists within the warehouse at that variant.
To create a unit of measure for a specific product go into the Product > Variant, and scroll down on the variant until you see units. By default all variants are a base single unit, so there is no need to add the single unit.
1) Click on 'Add Unit' to create the unit types
2) Enter the name of the unit type
3) Enter the factor that unit represents, in the case below a pallet represents 1000 single units
4) Save the units to the variant
Once you have saved the variant unit of measure you can add a barcode for each unit and assign the unit type to that barcode.
During the creation of a purchase order you will see the unit type available
When checking in a product with UOM you will have the ability to check-in by the single or by a different unit type and the quantity will automatically convert
On the inventory table you will see the UOM shown for that inventory level
During picking you will see different unit of measures shown to pick from
You can add dimensions and weight to products within SKUSavvy from your product list. Filter products by search, price, tag, type and more to apply dimensions only to those products matching your filters.
1) Enter the filter criteria from your product list to narrow down which products you want to add dimensions/weight for
2) select the 3-dot menu in the top right
3) Select 'Bulk Edit Items'
4) View criteria being included for bulk dimensions
5) Set dimensions and unit for dimensions
6) Set weight and unit for weight