
Get more orders fulfilled faster when you add all your employees to your SKUSavvy account. Assign permissions and direct tasks.

Employee Permissions

Keeping sensitive information safe while allowing access to the right people helps you control who knows what within your account. Below are the available permissions and what the employee will be granted access to with that permission enabled.

  • Update Company - this enables any user to adjust primary company logos, taglines, employees, carriers

  • Update Billing - provides the employee with access to the billing account, invoices, and payment on file

  • Create, View, Update, Delete - enables the employee to add and remove warehouses under the primary company control

  • Transfers - view and schedule warehouse to warehouse transfers (cross-dock)

  • Adjust employees accessible within one warehouse

  • Create, View, Update, Delete - gives total control over product and variant, locations and vendors associated

  • Place product on back-order, or remove shipping requirements

  • Adjust dimensional information and product barcodes

  • Change image and add custom product attributes

  • Make and adjust product kits (several products going into a single product)

  • Make and adjust units of measure

  • Create, View, Update, Delete - provides permission to view all orders and order status for inbound and outbound shipments

  • Inbound - allows the user to place new purchase orders from vendors and update them or check in the order

  • Outbound - view, and edit all outbound orders or create new orders

  • Batches - create new fulfillment batches and assign them to employees for order fulfillment

  • Create, View, Update, Deactivate - provides this employee the ability to manage other employees across your warehouse network

  • Task Assignment - within SKUSavvy there are several tasks that can be assigned. This setting enables one employee to assign another to a warehouse, order fulfillment, picking, receiving or other tasks directly

  • Task Tracking - (coming soon) you'll be able to view individual tasks across various functions of the warehouse to determine productivity levels

  • Invite - enables one employee to create new employees within the system

  • View Invitations - this employee will be able to view and modify existing invitations to their company

Warehouse Layout (Bins, Shelves, View)
  • Create View, Update, Delete - enables the user to make direct edits to the location of bins and shelves as well as to adjust the position of those within the warehouse layout manager

  • Add/Remove Product from Bins - this will enable an employee to adjust which product and what quantities are available within the bins in the warehouse

  • Bin to Bin Transfers - enables employees to move stock from one bin to another while issuing an internal transfer request to do so

  • Replicate Warehouse Layers - this employee will have the ability to duplicate a level of the warehouse to another level (caution: this can be a major change to your warehouse layout unexpectedly)

  • Create, View, Update, Delete - gives total control over vendors in the system

  • Adjust Products Carried by the Vendor - this will enable an employee to change which products can be ordered from the vendor

  • Adjust Pricing - with this permission an employee will be able to change prices provided by the vendor to reflect new product cost

Purchase Replenishment
  • Create, View, Update, Delete - gives a way to add and change the reorder quantities of items based on the movement of the item

  • Adjust Lead Time - gives the employee a way to change how much lead time is required for the product to reach the warehouse

  • Adjust Safety Stock - allows the employee to make adjustments to how long in advance the purchase order should be made based on order volume and past history

  • Create, View, Update, Delete - enables an employee to make and edit new customers across all of your warehouses

  • Orders - view all orders from a specific customer within the customer profile

  • Invoices - view and print invoices from past orders

  • Adjust Delivery Windows - if you're delivering to customers this enables you to set when products can be delivered

  • Locations - view and add other locations associated with a specific customer, which is handy for chain stores

  • Set Primary Location - enables an employee to set the primary delivery location for a customer

  • Customer Credit - issue and manage credit for specific customers

  • Create Cross-Docks - receive cross-dock requests and issue new cross-dock requests from your entire warehouse network

  • Create, View, Update, Delete - enables employees to add or change carriers associated with your SKUSavvy account

  • Carrier Accounts - adjust the carrier account numbers and access being used to ship product

  • Create, View, Update Delete - employees with this permission have access to all inventory quantities and changes across warehouses

  • View Logs - employees with this permission can view inventory logs to determine how many of each product moved from bin to bin, or was utilized in the order fulfillment process

  • Bin Assignment - this employee can view all bins this inventory is already within, or place inventory within a new bin

  • Create, View, Update, Delete - this employee has full control over package sizes available throughout the system

  • Lead Time on Packaging - this person can make changes to the amonut of lead time required to receive the designated packaging supplies from a vendor

  • Adjust Dimensions and Weight - this person can make changes to the size of the package or its weight which will impact the box-sizing suggestions at fulfillment, and total order weight

  • Make Packaging Available at Other Warehouses - this person can adjust the quantity and which sizes of packages are available at any warehouse they have access to

Employee Invitations

Within SKUSavvy you have the ability to add new employees, which will send an invite to the employee via email with their new account details. In this step, you will also assign the permissions as outlined above.

invite an employee to SKUSavvy

This enables you to view all existing invitations to join your SKUSavvy account, as well as to see the time the employee joined and the last time they have logged in.

Warehouse Assignment

From your SKUSavvy top-level account once an employee has been invited and accepted with the assigned permissions this employee can be added to specific warehouses. Once added to a warehouse the employee can now be assigned batches of orders, cycle counts, or packing tasks.

Assign to a Warehouse

To add an employee to a warehouse you'll go into the warehouse you'd like to add them to, and click 'Employees'. This will allow you to assign the employee or remove an employee from that warehouse. Assigning someone to a warehouse ensures they will see the available information for that warehouse such as inventory, orders, batches, or put-away tasks.

  • 1) Select a current company employee to add to the warehouse

  • 2) Click Add to complete the employee addition

  • 3) Current employees listed in the warehouse

  • 4) Delete a current employee assigned to the warehouse

  • 5) Assign a warehouse manager

assign employees to a warehouse

Tasks Assignment

Create a Task

SKUSavvy uses a build in task management system on the primary dashboard that an admin or employee with necessary permissions can use to internally direct work within the system. These tasks can be sent directly to an employee as a notification on their account.

  • 1) Create a task and filter by all status, complete, or open

  • 2) Select a task to view more details

  • 3) Check off a task

task manager within skusavvy
1) Name of the task
2) Employee assigned to the task
3) Description of the task
4) Create the task
creating a new task in skusavvy

Tasks Notifications

When a new task is assigned to an employee, they will get a notification of the task where they can view and execute on it.

transfer picked batch to packaging

Assign Pick Batches

After an employee has been added to a warehouse, you can assign pick batches to them. This enables the employee to see within their account which batches of orders they need to pick. To do so, go into a warehouse, and click on 'Fulfill Orders', and then select 'Batch Orders' from the table below the existing batches. When batches are created the workload will be distributed equally to all employees that have been assigned to the batch creation.

Example batches with filtering to those assigned
1) Select to view batches assigned to you vs. unassigned and all 
2) Click on a column header to sort the data A-Z, Z-A etc. 
3) Choose which columns to show
view assigned order pick batches
Select Batch Orders from the Unfulfilled Orders Table (Below previously created batches table)
1) Select order fulfillments
2) Scroll down to unbatched shipments (open orders)
3) Click on 'Batch Orders'
Create a pick batch and assign to employees in shopify

Select Warehouse > Fulfill Orders > Batch Orders > Assign to Employee(s)

This view enables you to auto-assign the batch(s) created to employees added where SKUSavvy splits batches across employees and gives them a notification.

1) Turn on auto-assignment of order batching
2) Select employees to distribute batches (select just one employee to assign all batches to that employee)
3) View/delete employees assigned to newly created batches
assign employees to a batch

Reassign a Batch

Once batches are made and assigned to employees you can reassign the batch to someone else within the warehouse.

To do so, simply select from the dropdown menu at the top of a batch at any point within the pick process or fulfillment, and select another employee. Note: you will only be able to select an employee who is also assigned to the warehouse.

reassign a pick batch to new employee

Assign Cycle Counts

Initiate a Cycle Count

When creating a cycle count you can select employees to receive a notification of the count assigned to them. To initiate a cycle count go into a warehouse then select inventory > cycle count.

  • 1) Select the frequency for your cycle

  • 2) Select one or multiple employees to distribute the cycle count bins to

  • 3) View/delete employees assigned to the cycle

assign cycle counts to employees