Import New Shopify Locations

This guide will show you how to bring over newly created Shopify locations so they can become warehouses on SKUSavvy.

Add Your Location to Shopify

First you'll want to make sure you've added the location to Shopify. Include all address information so the address will come over into SKUSavvy properly.

Sync Location

If you've already connected Shopify, navigate to the Shopify section of your SKUSavvy account and click on 'Add Locations'
resync shopify locations
Next select the new location to bring over from Shopify, your existing locations are already shown.
add new shopify location to skusavvy
Once you select a location you can edit the information or attach the new location with an existing warehouse layout
  • 1) Reuse an existing warehouse already in SKUSavvy

  • 2) Use the existing location address from Shopify or enter a different address within SKUSavvy

enter new shopify location address