Order Fulfillment

All in one place to pick pack and ship orders within SKUSavvy. Learn how to create batches of orders to ship faster.

Order Management

Create Batches

Learn everything you need to know about creating order batches

Order Management

Understand the ways SKUSavvy helps with order management

Batch Settings

Batch settings enable you to customize the way your batches will be set up and the workflow for fulfillment steps.
  • 1) Use test labels - this will print default test USPS labels from the included Stamps.com test account created automatically when you sign up

  • 2) Show warehouse layout during picking - this allows you to turn off the warehouse layout on the pick screen

  • 3) Show warehouse layout in 3D - turns on 3D view of the warehouse layout

  • 4) Print label automatically - your shipping label will print immediately after purchasing the label instead of requiring a second click to print

  • 5) Print packing slip with shipping label

  • 6) Enable weight entry - this will accept a new shipping weight value that will override the system weight

  • 7) Use custom labels - this will substitute carrier labels with your own custom label created with the label maker in your feature settings

  • 8) Turn on/off specific carriers to be used when pulling rates for shipping. Expand the carrier to view individual services available from the carrier (home delivery, 2-day, international etc.)

  • 9) Assign and print your own barcode the corresponds to the batch of orders

  • 10) Batch barcode that can be printed out and scanned to bring a user directly back to the batch of orders

Order Picking

Within each warehouse, orders are assembled into batches. These are sorted to put like products together into a similar batch of orders. During this, SKUSavvy preserves the wave pattern of a pick path through the warehouse.

  • 1) Batch ID

  • 2) The current employee assigned to the batch, switch in real-time to hand off the order

  • 4) Batch settings

  • 4) Filter orders to show by their pick status - picked, not picked

  • 5) Total number of items in the batch, click to show all bins holding inventory needed to complete the batch

  • 6) Bin location(s) of the current item in the pick list

  • 7) Number of units needed to complete the batch

  • 8) Shelf, level, and bins the item is located in along with the current quantity in the bin and any lot/expiration dates associated. Tap 'Pick' to accept the pick (only shows if there are no scan settings turned on)

  • 9) Pagination showing all orders within the pick batch

  • 10) Move on to the fulfillment and shipping part of the batch

Pick Screen - No Scan Settings

batch picking skusavvy wms

Pick Screen - Bin and Item Scan

bin scan turned on

Order Fulfillment

On the next screen, you will see the shipping address, and contents of the first order within the batch. You will also notice a packaging selection. If the warehouse has available packaging and your products have dimensional information SKUSavvy will attempt to suggest the correct package size. From this screen each item in the order can be scanned or tapped to confirm and added to the shipment.

If you haven't added packaging and are not showing any packaging options at fulfillment follow these directions.

  • 1) View the order detail/customer information

  • 2) Shipping address information and order notes

  • 3) Package size selection (auto-selects when dimensional information has been entered for all items within the order) as well as 3D cartonization visual of the order packaging by clicking on the blue tile icon

  • 4) Weight of the order - enter a new weight to override system weight

  • 5) Items and quantity required to fulfill the complete order (note: if you have not picked the items they cannot be packaged and you will see an error that 'None are available in this batch')

package orders shopify shipping

For each order in the batch you will need to check (and scan) the items contained and their quantities to confirm packaging. Once all items have been packaged, SKUSavvy will show the shipping services available.

1) Showing fully packaged items in the order (1/1)
2) Option to unpack items that were accidentally added to the order

Different package sizes will offer different choices in the available shipping services.

Fulfillment Options

Split Order Fulfillment
Enables you to split an order into multiple shipments so that you can send out part of the order then revisit later to send out the rest of the order for cases you are shipping to different addresses, have backordered quantity, or need to make adjustments to the second part of the order.
Order Edits
Edit your orders directly within SKUSavvy or on Shopify and they will be reflected immediately all the way up and until you produce a shipping label.
Shipment Cancellations
You can cancel order shipments and return inventory back to bin locations following this workflow. Order shipment cancellation is different from an order cancellation which will need to happen on Shopify.


During the fulfillment process SKUSavvy provides a 3D visual of the best way to package the contents of an order. Click on the icon in SKUSavvy to view this:
3d palletization software

Shipping Orders

Once an order has been packaged, SKUSavvy will use your carrier accounts to pull rates for your account to show in the window that appears. If you are getting an error, it is likely because you don't have a carrier account connected, or your carrier account does not have funds.

  • 1) Mark an order as fulfilled without purchasing a shipping label (must have this option turned on within the company property settings)

  • 2) Print a packing slip for the order

  • 3) If the order has come in from Shopify the selected rate by your customer will show here

  • 4) Pull down the shipping options and view the price, service, carrier, whether it is trackable or not, and the delivery time schedule. Press 'Buy' to purchase the label and make it available for printing

  • 5) Shipping options available for the order

shipping rate selection

Advanced Shipping Options

These options enable you to select various pickup and delivery methods for a given carrier. Click on the 'Advanced Options' to expand this out.
advanced shipping options

Shipping Label Printing

After you've made a shipping service selection SKUSavvy will automatically purchase the label and generate the label for printing. You can print directly within the browser for USB connected printers, or through Airprint for mobile fulfillment stations setup through iPad or iPhone devices.

shipping label generated
  • 1) Void the label and purchase a new label

  • 2) Print the label

  • 3) Label and tracking information

Buy Online Pickup In-Store

If you frequently accept orders online for pickup in store (BOPIS) this workflow will help your staff navigate this oftentimes complicated task when there are many orders being placed for pickup.