Learn how to setup SKUSavvy so that rates chosen by your customers during checkout are automatically selected for shipping carrier label purchases.
When you connect carriers to SKUSavvy and fulfill orders this feature automatically pairs up your customers selected shipping from checkout and your predefined shipping settings. It's easy to do and will save your fulfillment team time.
Established Shopify connection
Shipping rates setup within your Shopify account
Carrier accounts connected within SKUSavvy
You'll need to connect your carriers for this to work with your account. Each carrier connection will enable various shipping methods. These methods are what SKUSavvy uses to pair up your Shopify shipping options with the carriers you have connected.
In the Shopify connection from within SKUSavvy you can see shipping methods and the available services. Simply match these up and save them to automatically show the appropriate rate during fulfillment.
1) Shipping rates from your Shopify store
2) Priority of the rate from Shopify (influences an orders importance for batching)
3) Click to set the desired services from your connected carrier accounts
To use these newly setup rules you can go about fulfillment in the same exact way as you have been. There is nothing new you need to do once the rules are setup as SKUSavvy will automatically make the selection for which shipping method should be shown and purchased.
1) Shipping rate selected by yourr customer at checkout
2) Shipping rates shown as a result of your automation settings