Bin to Bin Transfer

Initiate a bin to bin inventory transfer to manually or automatically schedule inventory to be moved around the warehouse

Bin to Bin Transfers

You can easily move inventory between two bin locations by going into a warehouse and selecting the inventory you want to move. This enables you to 'move' inventory from one bin to another within the system. It also helps to coordinate where inventory is within your warehouse.

To initiate a transfer go into a warehouse, select inventory, and choose a product to transfer. From here you will select which bin to transfer from.

Transfer Icon

There are four primary methods to transfer inventory between bins:

  • 1) Scan the product and view the inventory (must be inside a warehouse) then select the transfer icon and enter the quantity and bin to move to

  • 2) Go into a warehouse > inventory > inventory item and select the item, then tap the transfer icon on a bin

  • 3) Make an ad-hoc adjustment of inventory, select or scan the product and initiate a transfer on the bin

  • 4) Select or scan a bin location, scroll down to the inventory for that bin and select the transfer icon

Bin to Bin Stock Movement Video

Method 1: Scan Product

Using this method you will scan the product for which you want to move. Note: you need to be inside of a warehouse on the SKUSavvy interface to bring up the inventory to move.
  • 1) Select the scan icon, or using a hardware scanner simply scan the item from inside a warehouse

  • 2) Select to view the inventory

  • 3) Proceed to Method 2 below which is the same steps from this point to transfer inventory to a new bin

Method 2: On the Inventory Item

With this method you can go directly into an inventory item level within a warehouse and move the bin contents on the inventory detail:
  • 1) Go into a warehouse > inventory > inventory detail record (hint: you can view inventory by product or by flattening the list to view each individual variant)

  • 2) Locate the bin inventory you want to transfer and select the transfer icon

  • 3) Select or scan a bin you want to transfer to

  • 4) Enter the quantity to transfer

  • 5) Click 'Assign'

select bin inventory to move
bin to bin inventory movement

Method 3: Ad-Hoc Inventory Adjustment

In this method of inventory transfer you can directly change the quantities in bins to reflect the moved value of the inventory. From this screen you can also add inventory to a new bin location.
Make an Inventory Adjustment
  • 1) Navigate to anywhere your inventory levels are shown and click adjust

  • 2) Select or scan the item if your product has not already been pre-selected

  • 3) Select a bin to move inventory into if there are no current bins for the inventory

  • 4) Adjust the quantities on both the receiving and outgoing bin locations

adjust inventory levels bin to bin replenishment
ad-hoc inventory bin movement

Method 4: Scan Bin

Another easy way of transferring inventory contents between two bins is to move the inventory from within the bin location directly. Here we will scan the bin, though you can also select the bin directly.
Within the bin you will see all inventory items currently held in the bin with the same transfer icon available to move the inventory into a new bin.
Select a Bin to Move Inventory
  • 1) Go into a warehouse and scan the bin. You can also go into your layout > bins and select the bin you want to transfer from

  • 1.A) Select 'View Bin' if you scanned the bin

  • 2) Find the inventory item in your bin you wish to transfer and click the transfer item

  • 3) Select the new bin location and enter the quantity to complete the transfer

move inventory with bin transfer
move inventory with a bin transfer on skusavvy
bin to bin stock movement

Automated Bin Replenishment

Using SKUSavvy you can set up bin replenishments that automatically trigger when an item gets below its minimum level for that bin. This is helpful when you have holding stock used to replenish pick stock locations. 
You must have the inventory item in at least 2 bins to set up a replenishment
1) Select the Inventory Item
Navigate to a warehouse > inventory and select the inventory item you want to set up a replenishment for. From here, make sure you have at least 2 bin locations for the item. 
select inventory for automated bin replenishment
2) Create the Replenishment
Located over the map view of your inventory is a button to 'Create Bin Replenishment' which will enable you to establish a relationship between one or more bins. 
create bin replenishment rule
After clicking into the replenishment creation, you will see two dropdowns to select the 'From' and 'To' bins. These dropdowns show you locations and current quantities of the inventory in those bin locations. Select the from side (inventory will come out of this bin) and the to side (inventory will go into this bin) then 'Create'.
select bins for automated replenishment
3) Establish Replenishment Level
Next you'll see on the inventory levels for this item the replenishment tags so you can set the correct minimums for the bin you are trying to replenish. 

You MUST set a minimum level on the 'To' inventory level for the replenishments to auto generate
1) Bin/inventory levels being used for the automated replenishment 
2) Min/max level to set for triggering a replenishment to happen (when the 'To' bin goes below this level the system will create a replenishment back to the 'max')
3) Current replenishments set on the bins (click to view/delete)
4) Transfer Bin Inventory
With your replenishment levels set, SKUSavvy will start automatically creating the replenishments so you can go through and move stock as needed. Click into the inventory > bin replenishments at the warehouse level to start moving stock. 
1) View the items pending transfer to another bin
2) View 'From' and 'To' bins with their current quantities
3) View current and desired minimum stock then click the transfer button to move stock
transfer stock from bin replenishment rules
Clicking on the transfer icon will bring up the bin to bin movement where you can enter the quantity you want to transfer. 
transfer bin inventory